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Corner radius of stainless steel sink

2023-03-28 16:34:15
There are different types of corner radius for stainless steel sinks in the market, and they affect the appearance and functionality of the sink. The corner radius refers to the angle of the corners in a sink; a smaller radius means sharper corners, while a larger radius means rounder corners. According to one source, some common types of corner radius are:
Zero radius: This means that every corner in the sink measures 90 degrees, creating sleek and dramatic lines. This style is suitable for modern or industrial kitchens, but it requires more maintenance and cleaning.
Radius 15: This means that the corners are slightly rounded, reducing the time spent keeping the sink clean. This style offers a departure from the traditional standard sink, yet still captures a professional look.
Standard radius: This means that the corners are gently curved, resulting in a design that drains effortlessly and is easy to maintain. This style is perfect for complementing a kitchen with a more subdued and traditional theme.
Radius 25: This means that the corners are more rounded than standard radius, increasing usable space and capturing a modern and professional look. This style is a good compromise between traditional and modern sinks.


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