+60 13 718 1888
For years, Symbolsink fabricated stainless steel sink factory has been successfully catering to Leading High end brands and has been providing them unique OEM services specifically to fulfill their retail and wholesale needs. In order to stay on top and to maintain our long standing partnership with top international brands, Symbolsink incessantly updates its production techniques and equipments. We stay on top of the latest production approach in all aspect of handmade stainless steel sink production including bending, welding, polishing, etc.
Our biggest pride is the stability of our production quality. This was accomplished by perfecting years of production process, maintaining strict quality control and building a team of experts with natural hand skills. Our skilled craftsmen are trained to strictly follow our guidelines and make sure that each sinks are done properly.
If you are looking into developing your brand, our premium quality stainless steel sink has the “wow” factor you need and our team offers well-rounded service that makes you purchasing experience hassle-free.