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Does toothpaste really remove scratches on stainless steel?

2023-11-14 16:14:47

Yes, toothpaste can be used to remove scratches from stainless steel. Non-gel toothpaste, particularly whitening toothpaste, contains a small dose of bleaching agent and a higher percentage of abrasive ingredients. These ingredients can help fill in the scratches and smooth out the surface.

Here’s how you can use toothpaste to remove scratches from stainless steel:

Dab a small amount of non-gel whitening toothpaste onto the scratch.
Rub the toothpaste in a circular, even motion.
Wipe away the toothpaste with a damp microfiber cloth to check the surface.
If scratches persist, reapply the toothpaste and repeat the process until you are satisfied that the scratches have faded.
Please note that this method should only be used on uncoated stainless steel. If the metal has a protective clear coating or synthetic surface, you might end up doing more harm than good. Always check your owner’s manual before attempting to remove scratches from stainless steel appliances or surfaces.

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