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How to shine stainless steel sink?

2023-11-28 16:10:42

Here are some steps you can follow to clean and shine your stainless steel sink:
Remove debris: Start by removing any dishes, utensils, or debris from the sink. Dispose of any food scraps and rinse away loose dirt with warm water.
Sprinkle baking soda into the sink: Sprinkle a generous amount of baking soda over the entire surface of the sink. Baking soda is a mild and natural abrasive that helps to scrub away stains and residues without scratching the stainless steel.
Scrub the sink: Dampen a microfiber cloth or sponge and use it to scrub the baking soda around the sink, focusing on areas with stains or buildup. The baking soda will form a paste as you scrub, which helps to clean and polish the stainless steel.
Rinse and dry: Rinse the sink thoroughly to remove the baking soda and any loosened grime. Then, dry the sink with a clean towel to prevent water spots and streaks.
Polish with flour: After cleaning the sink, sprinkle flour all over your sink, until a thick amount is covering the whole surface. Then, buff the flour into the sink using a soft cloth. This will give your sink a nice shine.
Buff with oil: For an extra shine, you can buff the sink with a few drops of olive oil. This will add a protective shine to your sink and stainless steel.
Remember, regular cleaning can help cut down on unpleasant odors and give your kitchen an overall feeling of being clean. It also prevents the build-up of corrosive agents and debris that could potentially damage the sink’s surface over time, helping to extend its lifespan.

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